Prime Vendor Payment Reporting
(Report Payments Received and Payments Sent)
Contract Management
Managing supplier diversity on your contracts has never been easier
with VantagePoint™.

Prime and Sub Vendor
Award Tracking

Real-Time Diversity
Utilization Monitoring

Multiple Goal


Distinct User Roles And Permissions

Key Metric

DBE Database Link
Updated Daily

Payment Tracking
VantagePoint™ payment reporting and sub verification features
have been thoughtfully designed for accurate credit tracking and
compliance monitoring.

Sub Vendor Payment Verification
Dynamic Reporting
VantagePoint™ allows for export of contract and payment data
based on funding source and date range. The Uniform Report feature
generates a completed report in Microsoft Excel and provides sheets
with backup detail.
Contract and Payment Data Reporting
Semi-Annual Uniform Report Generation

Sound exciting?
We think so!
Let us show you how VantagePoint™ can help you automate and
streamline the management of your supplier diversity program.
Schedule A Demo